September 8, 2009

20 Free Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation Resources for EFL Students

EFL students looking to increase their knowledge of English grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation can benefit from the many great resources on the Internet. There are quizzes, podcasts, lessons, activities, and much more--all available free of charge. Here is a list of 20 resources for EFL students to explore:

ESL Mania - ESL Mania offers a wide range of vocabulary and grammar resources for adult learners and teachers. Resources include grammar explanations, quizzes, and book recommendations. - This one-stop language site provides listening centers, flash games, grammar quizzes, word searches, and activities to help students improve their English grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation.

ManyThings - ManyThings is a free EFL site that provides quizzes, games puzzles, and random information for improving your English. Within this site, students can find all the resources needed to improve and build vocabulary.

ESL Galaxy - This impressive ESL site offers over 2,368 worksheets for activities and lesson plans. The worksheets within this site can be used to improve grammar, vocabulary, conversations, and pronunciation. -'s Guide to ESL provides a number of vocabulary builders for EFL students. Beginner to intermediate students can find idioms, vocabulary lists, and vocabulary quizzes as well as tools for grammar and pronunciation.

BBC - BBC offers a unique feature to help students increase grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation through the news, video, recording, and quizzes.

English Interactive - This interactive site features vocabulary builders through audio practice. English Interactive also offers links to reading and writing resources.

Eflnet - Eflnet is a site that offers tools for increasing your grammar, vocabulary, listening, and reading skills. The grammar page provides exercises, tutorials, and activities.

VerbaLearn - The VerbaLearn site provides free vocabulary studying techniques. Students will find study saving resources such as audio, video flashcards, puzzles, and review.

ESL Pod - ESL Pod provides free podcasts for improving your English. This site also helps improve your pronunciation and vocabulary through everyday phrases and expressions.

Dave's ESL Cafe - This online cafe offers EFL students several online language learning opportunities. Students can find a help center, hint-of-the-day, phrasal verbs, pronunciation power, quizzes, and idioms. - The offers opportunities for students to increase their grammar and vocabulary through English and bilingual quizzes. This site also provides interesting puzzles and informative podcasts.

Radio Lingua Network - The Radio Lingua Network offers an innovative podcast for practicing phrasal verbs. This is a great way for EFL students to boost understanding and pronunciation.

Using English - Using English offers a large collection of grammar resources for students and teachers. Just a few of the resources students will find useful include a grammar glossary, irregular verb reference, and phrasal verb practice.

Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab - This free listening lab provides 20-minute vocabulary labs for intermediate level learners.

English English - English English provides links to some of the best grammar, vocabulary, reading, writing, listening, and speaking resources.

English as a Second Language - This site, created by Rong Chang Lee, Ph.D., offers a huge collection of podcasts, quizzes, games, and dictionaries for EFL students. A good pronunciation builder is the pronunciation page of this site which includes videos, exercises, tongue twisters, and software. - offers printable and interactive grammar and vocabulary exercises for EFL students. These fun and easy resources provide the perfect opportunity for EFL students who are learning on their own. - The offers free audio pronunciation builders. This language site also features grammar, vocabulary, listening, speaking, reading, and reference resources.

ESL Resource Center - This site, designed for English learners and teachers, offers lessons and exercises for improving grammar, reading, vocabulary, spelling, pronunciation, and listening skills. Students can also find resources for converters, games, and articles.

Guest post from education writer Karen Schweitzer. Karen is the Guide to Business School. She also writes for

September 4, 2009


After several months without baeing able to blog due to time constraints, I'm glad to say I'm back!

With so many possibilities of online dictionaries, it's simply impossible to write a blog post that is not extremely limited, so the following tips are based on my own personal opinion and more ideas, tips and links are more than welcome!

What I like about this one is that fact that it gives you the definitions of up to 10 different online dictionaries on the same page. Like most online dictionaries, you can also hear the words and see phonemic transcriptions. With the same style, you can also access

This online dictionary gives you a beautiful visual diagram of words definitions and their relations, like synonyms and antonyms, collocations, related words, derivation and much more (not to mention how cool it is to see the diagram being formed). With the same approach, there is also Lexipedia and Visual Thesaurus.

A very popular and easy-to-use speaking dictionary. If like this one, you might also enjoy Oddcast Text-to-Speech tool and Kako Messenger Text-to-Song tool (this last one is really funny).

Finally, here are two dictionaries that can be easily embed to your website, blog or wiki. Accessing their websites you can get the html code and the dictionaries will look like this:

Cambridge Dictionaries Online